Early childhood factors and health and Human capital


In this paper I survey the microbiology, psychology and Economics literatures on human development, focusing on the role of early childhood factors. The paper focuses on two aspects of Human developments. First, it focuses on the process of aging such as development of chronic diseases, disability and mortality. Second focus is on the process of human capital developments and its effects on labor market outcomes, earnings inequality and social mobility. Human capital developments include cognitive and non-cognitive skill formations such as social, motivational and self-control skills. I draw from the microbiology literature on developmental programming and the roles played by genetic and epigenetic factors, which is also known as the nature – nurture controversy, and from the theory of mind from the psychology literature. I also present some of the empirical findings from my own research and joint research with Professor James Heckman, using the HRS (Health and Retirement Surveys) and the NLSY (National Longitudinal Surveys) 1979 datasets. Both are US datasets. Similar datasets are not available for India. I will also interact with the audience about possible research ideas in the context of India.

Working Paper