
The objective

  • Identification of factors and prediction of the risks of diseases are important for public policies and disease diagnosis in healthcare.
  • The biomedical literature suggests that much of an individual’s later life health outcomes is programmed at early stages of life. The programming is strongly modulated by the epigentic inputs created by the environment in mother’s womb at prenatal stage and also by the environment at early postnatal ages.
  • The most important epigenetic factor is stress of any kind – psychological, financial, social and chemical. Other significant factors are medical care, diets, smoking, substance use, and exercising. These modulating factors are important throughout life, with stronger effects imparted in early stages of life.
  • I use the popular statistical model – mulinomial logit model – and the neural network model – multi-layer deep learning model – for identification of important factors and prediction of the risks of various diseases for individuals at their middle ages. I use the Health and Retirement Studies (HRS) data to that end.
  • I compare their predictive powers using confusion matrix indicator and discuss various criteria used by these two methods to identify the important factors of the risks. I discuss pros and cons of these two types of models from prediction and inference viewpoint.


  • Let \(y\) denote a random variable denoting an individual’s health status in middle age. The set of health statuses is {1,2,3,4,5}, where 1 = normal health, 2 = Cardiovascular disease, 3 = Cancer, 4 = Other single disease, 5 = comorbid diseases.
  • \(X\) is a vector of individual characteristics such as demographic information, education, medical measurements, known as regressors.
  • Data on individuals, \((y_i, X_i)\), \(1 = 1,2, ...,n\).
  • Goal:
  • To find a model \(y = f(X)\) that best explains data in the sample
  • To predict the health status \(y\) of an individual not in the sample given his/her measurements \(X\) – i.e., out of sample prediction.
  • To have inference about which factors in \(X\) are most important.
  • How to judge which model is best or how to choose between models.
  • This problem is known as classification problem. \(y\) could be a probability mass function. There is an equivalent regression problem.

Models … continued

  • Two approaches to get a model:
  1. Statistical ModelsMultinomial Logistic Regression model in particular.
  2. Machine Learning or Algorithms such as Multi Layer Neural Network model also known as Deep Learning model or Deep Neural Network Model, Tree based methods (such as CART, Random Forest etc), Support Vector Machines.
  • I will only briefly explain the Multinomial Logistic Regression model and the Multi Layer Neural Network model.

Multinomial Logistic Regression

  • Assume that data \((y, X)\) is generated from a known probability distribution with the conditional probability distribution \(f(y|X,\beta)\) belonging to a known family of distributions with parameters \(\beta\) such as the exponential family.
  • Multinomial Logistic Regression model comes down to the following probability model. \[ log \frac{Prob~(Y=k | X)}{Prob~(Y = 1|X)} = X'\beta ,~~ k=2,...,5 \]

Logit Models of Childhood factors

Statistical models
Statistical models
  cHLTH College+ Init.HLTH
  (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2)
Intercept 0.220*** 0.162 -2.205*** -3.981*** -1.028*** -1.132***
  (0.053) (0.091) (0.087) (0.153) (0.063) (0.098)
White 0.282*** 0.221*** 0.227** -0.076 0.226*** 0.193**
  (0.053) (0.066) (0.077) (0.089) (0.057) (0.067)
Female -0.022 -0.012 -0.537*** -0.571*** -0.218*** -0.177***
  (0.044) (0.053) (0.057) (0.063) (0.044) (0.050)
Childhood SES 0.841***   1.328***   0.222***  
  (0.054)   (0.058)   (0.051)  
Father’s Education   0.038***   0.109***   0.021*
    (0.009)   (0.011)   (0.009)
Mother’s Education   0.029**   0.139***   -0.000
    (0.010)   (0.013)   (0.009)
Father’s Job   0.447***   0.714***   0.042
    (0.096)   (0.084)   (0.078)
Childhood Health     0.342*** 0.407*** 0.206*** 0.217***
      (0.064) (0.077) (0.048) (0.057)
College         0.149* 0.137*
          (0.059) (0.064)
\(R^2\) 0.026 0.018 0.085 0.136 0.010 0.008
Num. obs. 9601 7457 9601 7457 9601 7457
***p < 0.001; **p < 0.01; *p < 0.05

Estimates from the Multinomial Logistic Regression model of disease risks

Intercept-0.214    -5.014 ***-0.759 ***0.359 *  
(0.192)   (0.675)   (0.203)   (0.182)   
white-0.593 ***0.465    0.306 ***0.011    
(0.077)   (0.309)   (0.092)   (0.080)   
female-0.209 ** 1.138 ***0.520 ***0.544 ***
(0.065)   (0.230)   (0.069)   (0.064)   
childhood SES-0.045    -0.668    -0.137    -0.084    
(0.103)   (0.367)   (0.109)   (0.106)   
childhood Health0.103    0.006    -0.290 ***-0.359 ***
(0.073)   (0.228)   (0.072)   (0.067)   
college+0.066    0.343    -0.101    -0.118    
(0.083)   (0.248)   (0.090)   (0.088)   
bmiH0.712 ***0.178    0.239 ***0.818 ***
(0.067)   (0.198)   (0.066)   (0.066)   
CES-D0.262    0.301    0.909 ***1.454 ***
(0.156)   (0.471)   (0.149)   (0.134)   
cognitive scores-0.001    0.033    0.003    -0.018 ** 
(0.007)   (0.023)   (0.007)   (0.007)   
smoking0.044    0.321    0.201 ** 0.330 ***
(0.065)   (0.201)   (0.067)   (0.064)   
exercising-0.118    -0.343    -0.111    -0.585 ***
(0.086)   (0.247)   (0.088)   (0.077)   
AIC22938.165    22938.165    22938.165    22938.165    
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05.

Deep Neural Network (Multi Layer Perceptron)

  • Neural network is a highly parameterized universal function approximator of the form \(\hat y = f(x;w)\), \(x\) is a set of inputs, and \(w\) is a vector of parameters– same form as a statistical model. The problem is to design a neural network architecture of the approximating function \(y = f(x,w)\) and find a suitable learning algorithm to learn the parameter values \(w\) of the network using a training set of examples. This trained network can then be used to predict \(y\) for an individual given his characteristics \(x\).
  • The popularity and wide applicability of neural network lies in the fact that it designs the approximator in a hierarchy of functions, of the form: \[ \hat y = f(x;w) \equiv f^L_{w^L} \circ ....\circ f^1_{w_1} (x). \] Each function corresponds to a layer of artificial neurons.

Neural network (continued)

Consider a simple neural network architecture It has three layers – layer 0: input layer, layer 1: hidden layer, and layer 2: output layer. Last layer is denoted as \(L\). Layer \(0\) has three input neurons. The second layer has 4 neurons. and the last layer has two neurons corresponding to the two output levels, in our case probability of two events, giving the hierarchical function specification of the form:

\[ f(x;w)=\sigma ^{2}\left( z^{2}\left( \sigma ^{1}\left( z^{1}(x,w^{1})\right) ,w^{2} \right) \right) \equiv f_{w^{2}}^{2}\circ f_{w^{1}}^{1}(x). \]

Function \(z^{i}(a^{i},w^{i})=w^{i}\cdot a^{i-1}\) at each layer \(i\) is a linear aggregator. The function \(\sigma ^i\) is a squashing function of the same dimension as \(z^i\), known as activation function.

A neural network is called deep neural network model or deep learning model because it can have more than one hidden layer to get better approximation compared to the original neural network models with only one hidden layer.

Graph of a Deep Neural Network Model

MLP architechture.

MLP architechture.

Predictive Accuracies

  • First statistical model — Multinomial Logistic Regression Model

  • Then Neural Network Model

Confusion matrix of the multinomial Logistic Regression Model (numbers)

Predicted/Actual Normal Cardiovas Cancer Other Comorbid Total
Normal 2017 215 0 4 516 2752
Cardiovas 1142 262 0 1 424 1829
Cancer 83 6 0 0 25 114
Other 1018 87 0 14 470 1589
Comorbid 1000 171 0 11 953 2135

Accuracy = 38.56 percent.

Confusion matrix of the multinomial Logistic Regression Model (in percent)

Predicted/Actual Normal Cardiovas Cancer Other Comorbid
Normal 73.29 7.81 0 0.15 18.75
Cardiovas 62.44 14.32 0 0.05 23.18
Cancer 72.81 5.26 0 0.00 21.93
Other 64.07 5.48 0 0.88 29.58
Comorbid 46.84 8.01 0 0.52 44.64

Accuracy = 38.56 percent.

Confusion matrix of the deep learning model (numbers)

Confusion matrix of the deep learning model.
Predicted/Actual normal Cardiovas Cancer Other Comorbid Total
Normal 2018 281 7 160 286 2752
Cardiovas 476 1001 8 105 239 1829
Cancer 35 8 46 10 15 114
Other 443 165 7 724 250 1589
Comorbid 438 196 9 124 1368 2135

Accuracy = 61.25 percent.

Confusion matrix of the deep learning model. (in percent)

Confusion matrix of the deep learning model.
Predicted/Actual normal Cardiovas Cancer Other Comorbid
Normal 73.33 10.21 0.25 5.81 10.39
Cardiovas 26.03 54.73 0.44 5.74 13.07
Cancer 30.70 7.02 40.35 8.77 13.16
Other 27.88 10.38 0.44 45.56 15.73
Comorbid 20.52 9.18 0.42 5.81 64.07

Accuracy = 61.25 percent.

Policy Exercise: Disease risks

Three types of white males:

  • type 1: poor childhood cSES, cHLTH, no college degree, high BMI, (smoke, no exercise), average biomarkers.

  • type 2: good childhood cSES, cHLTH, college degree, high BMI, (smoke, no exercise), average biomarkers.

  • type 1: good childhood cSES, cHLTH, college degree, high BMI, (does not smoke, does exercise), average biomarkers.

Using Multinomial Logit Model

Group Normal Cardiovas Cancer Other Comorbid
type 1 0.225 0.192 0.008 0.173 0.403
type 2 0.289 0.278 0.007 0.131 0.295
type 3 0.389 0.319 0.005 0.129 0.159

Using Neural Network Model TO-DO


  • Usefulness for Policy Analysis.
  • Statistical models have well developed theories for inference about which inputs are important and other properties like how good the estimates are. But very poor performance at prediction. Some nonlinearity can be introduced to get better predictive performance, but it does not come close to the performance of the machine learning algorithms.
  • Machine Learning models are good at prediction, but poor at identifying which inputs or regressors are important. Recently there are attempts to do so such as using Shapley Value criterion, but they are not useful in the multi outcome scenarios such as in the present case.

The End

Happy birthday, Professor Parikh.

Thank You.